Mendeley Web Importer Firefox

  1. Mendeley Web Importer For Firefox
  2. Mendeley Web Importer Chrome

EndNote Desktop. Desktop application (no Firefox) or browser extension (Firefox). Web version provides limited functionality. Web-based - must install bookmark into browser toolbar for full functionality - or mobile applications. Web browser or mobile applications. Visit the Firefox Add-Ons store and click 'Install'. If you see 'Remove from Firefox' then Mendeley Web Importer is installed, but it may be hidden in your toolbar. To view hidden extensions, click the hamburger menu in the top-right of the Firefox browser window. Agar web browser kita bisa menangkap metadata referensi yang tersedia, sekaligus memasukkan ke dalam basis data Mendeley kita, maka kita harus menambahkan plugin yang dinamai oleh programmer Mendeley dengan “Web Importer”. Untuk memasang plugin ini Anda bisa mengikuti langkah-langkah sebagai berikut.

How to Use the Web Importer

Mendeley Web Importer Firefox

1. Find a PDF file on a website or in an database. Make sure that the PDF is the only item that appears on your screen (a PDF that is embedded into a website / database will not work). If you are using Cook OneSearch or a different EBSCO database, you will need to click on the 'Download PDF' link at the top of the screen. If you forget this step and try to use the Web Importer to import an embedded file, the importer will fail to detect the file.


2. Click on the Mendeley icon near the top right corner of your browser window to open the web importer. Log in to Mendeley when prompted. A pop-up will appear containing information about your article.

3. Select the folder you want the article to go in using the drop-down menu at the top. Keep the default option ('My Library') selected if you would prefer to sort it later.

4. Make sure the box next to 'Add PDFs if available' is checked. Verify that Mendeley recognized the PDF file by looking for red text next to the article title that says 'PDF.'

How to use mendeley web importer

Mendeley Web Importer For Firefox


Mendeley Web Importer Chrome


5. Click on the blue 'Add' button near the top right. The article will then be added to your library.