Earth Analytic India makes risks to nature and infrastructure visible by aggregating information from space
We help our clients to better manage their risks in agriculture, forestry and infrastructure through insights from above.

Based on satellite and drone data we develop solutions to government and businesses that seek a transparent, effective and un-biased view on the physical changes of natural resources and infrastructure that stand on the earth surface.
Hi Josh - I've been having a play around and there doesn't seem to be an obvious place where I can put the Tracking Code I've generated in Analytics. The only place I can find to put it in is the html editor for the Container for a placemark but that doesn't register hits either on that placemark. Capture your own 360 photos and share them with the world on Google Maps and Google Earth. Apply data analytics to real-world challenges and achieve your mission at scale with GCP credits.

ACW Analytics was featured in a news article describing UConn's new data science startup incubator in Stamford, CT. We were selected to be part of the first cohort of five companies. We were selected to be part of the first cohort of five companies. Scientific-quality imagery and Geosys analysis solutions to help guide decision making, business innovation and strategic actions. Earth Observant will deliver imagery in machine-readable formats for automated analysis while still maintaining backward compatibility with legacy systems and human interactions. Emerging standards we follow include: Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG), Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalogs (STAC), and Analysis Ready Data (ARD).

Powered by MAPscape, a software developed by Sarmap SA in Switzerland, EarthAnalytics India is making use of both optical as well as infrared sensors.
Our Crop Monitor provides bi-weely updates on crop growth - also during cloud conditions
With Forestry Observation, we are able to detect the scope and kind of forestry areas in the most diverse ecosystems
Analytics To Earth Magazine
Earth Science Labs Online
Through radar-based satellite sensors we observe movements of critical infrastructure in the range of millimetres