Welcome to Guitar Pro Tabs, a community powered site where finding tabs for your favorite singers/bands is quick and easy. Use the search function at the top of the page if you know what tab you're looking for, or use the navigation bar above if you just want to take a look around! Our virtual acoustic steel string guitar provides you with a great way to learn how to play guitar. You can learn how to play chords and songs and then apply what you have learnt to a real guitar! This is a fun way to learn how to play guitar for Free and our app works on desktop computers (including Windows and Mac), all mobile devices (IOS.
Welcome to use our tuner for free online. The app is fully chromatic and therefore the guitar tuner online does also support a variaty of stringed musical instruments. Click on any of the links below to read more about how to use the app for each specific instument. Also, it does work both for electric guitar and acoustic guitar.
If you are using a smartphone or tablet the guitar tuner app is best to use because the online tuner does not have smartphone support. If you are using a smartphone, download the our app Pro Guitar Tuner.
If you are using an acoustic guitar or any acoustic instrument the tuner will by default use the built-in microphone. However, if you want to tune an electric guitar or any plugged in instrument you have to adjust the input source.
The online guitar tuner is fully chromatic but if you need a reference of a specific tuning and tune by ear read: Setup Instrument and Tuning.
Guitar types and tunings

The online version of the ProGuitar Tuner includes a massive library of different guitar types and alternative tunings. Note that the tuner works for both electric and acoustic guitar. Read the last section of this page to see all tuning options available. The list of alternate tunings for guitar would be too long if we list all here. Therefore, the available guitar types only are listed below. Follow the link to see the tunings available for the specific guitar.
Setup Instrument and Tuning
Access tuning settings
Click on the area shown by the blue arrow and a window will open on top of the guitar tuner, see the image below.
Select instrument and tuning
Choose your preferred instrument. You scroll in the list by a click and drag motion.
After selecting an instrument, all the available tunings for that specific instrument will appear to the right. Choose the desired tuning by clicking on the area of a specific tuning. You should now hear a sequence played for each string and the fretboard will be updated with your desired tuning.
Tune by ear using audio samples
At any time you can click the strings on the fretboard to listen to a reference tone. One common way of is to tune the guitar to itself. If you are a beginner it can be a good practise to use a combination of a reference tone and a guitar tuner. One thing to notice is that the online guitar tuner does not show the actual octave. For that you need to download the smartphone app, which at the moment is of much higher quality than the online app.
Use the Guitar Tuner with the desktop's built-in microphone
If you any other browser than Google Chrome you need to have Flash installed and allow microphone access. See further instructions directly below the tuner by clicking the button 'Show Instructions'.
If you have any suggestions or think any other alternative tunings should be added, please send us a note through the guitar forum.
The tuner is fully chromatic but if you need a reference of a specific tuning when tuning by ear or if you want to tune any other instrument follow the steps in how to setup the guitar tuner for other instruments
Guitar Pro Tabs Online
This mySongBook portal is published by Arobas Music S.A.R.L., a joint stock company with share capital of €230,000, which is registered in the Lille Trade and Companies Register under number 444 341 028, whose European VAT number is FR 14 444 341028 and whose registered office is located at 71 Quai de l'Ouest, 59000 LILLE, France. Telephone number : (+33) (0)3 20 73 88 87.
These General Conditions of use are an agreement concluded between you and Arobas Music concerning the use of the mySongBook service. Please read these General Conditions carefully before using the service. By using this service, you acknowledge having read and accepted these conditions. The service is proposed to users more than 13 years old. Users less than 18 years old (depending on the age of majority in your country) must have the agreement of their parents or their guardian to conclude this contract. If you are not old enough and/or if you do not accept these conditions fully and entirely, please immediately leave the service and do not use it.
A user is defined below as being exclusively a non professional individual or consumer. These General Conditions of Sale thus govern solely the relations between AROBAS MUSIC and a non professional individual or consumer. A “consumer” means any customer who uses the service in question for needs other than those of his professional activity.
These General Conditions apply automatically to the access to the online service proposed by AROBAS MUSIC (the “Company”) through the mySongBook portal (the “Service”).

Guitar Pro Online Version
Article 1 - Purpose
The General Conditions are aimed at stipulating the conditions of sale between AROBAS MUSIC and the User, from the placing of an order to the after sales services, including the payment and the supplying of the score. These General Conditions apply exclusively to users having access to mySongBook through a version of the Guitar Pro software published by Arobas Music. No use of mySongBook through a version not published by AROBAS MUSIC of the Guitar Pro software is governed by these General Conditions.
Article 2 - Definition of the service
mySongBook is a service for the sale of musical scores of quality, which are legal and accessible through the software published by AROBAS MUSIC. The online scores proposed by the service are in GPX/GP formats and intended to be read in the Guitar Pro software, version 6.1 and above and/or other software/applications published by Arobas Music. The service offers the possibility of consulting the list of the scores available and accessing previews and preplays online allowing the user to judge the quality of the score before the purchase of the latter.
2-1 Buy and print specific songs and songbooks (single buying)
The purchase of a score gives you a right of unlimited access to the latter through your internet connection. You read your preferred part any time and print it. It will not be possible to modify it, export or record it.
2-2 Sign up for a monthly subscription
The purchase of a monthly subscription unlocks all the tabs and music scores available in the mySongBook database through your internet connection. It will not be possible to modify it, print, export or record it.
2-3 The free tab of the day
The reading of this score will be offered for a period of 24 hours. What distinguishes it from a traditional score is its free use and the impossibility of printing. Nevertheless, the user has the possibility of purchasing the score of the day to unblock the printing functionality and to definitively have access to the score on an unlimited basis.
Article 3 - Conditions of access to the service
To access the scores, the user must possess the Guitar Pro software or other softwares/applications published by Arobas Music proposing the mySongBook service and Internet access. The use of mySongBook requires the installation of the version 6.1 and above of Guitar Pro available for the Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. The scores will not be available without an Internet connection and it will not be possible to store them. High-speed Internet access is strongly recommended for correct use of the mySongBook portal.
Depending on the software or Guitar Pro application that you use to read your mySongBook scores, the sound quality of reading can be different from that of the preplay. To obtain optimal listening from your tablatures, you must use the version 6.1 and above of Guitar Pro.
The user acknowledges and accepts that his technical needs, which can be periodically modified, are his responsibility.
AROBAS MUSIC undertakes to deploy all means to provide the user with reliable and rapid access to the service. The information contained in mySongBook is accessible 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, subject to accidental or necessary interruption for the proper functioning of the service. This interruption does not give rise to any indemnification in favour of the user, which the latter expressly acknowledges and accepts.
Article 4 - Subscription for the service
4-1 Prior identification of the User
To place an order, the User must follow a procedure for the creation of his account on mySongBook.
The creation of a mySongBook account implies the entire and full acceptance of these General Conditions of Sale without any reserve. These General Conditions are regularly updated. The General Conditions applicable shall be those in effect on the mySongBook portal on the date of the confirmation of the order. We thus ask you to come back regularly to keep yourself informed of the changes to the service.
In the event of loss or forgetting of the password, the User can reapply by going to his customer account and clicking on 'I have forgotten my password'. He will then receive an e-mail with a link to use to reset his password. The User can also contact our Customer Department by email using the dedicated form.
4-2 Commitment of the user
At the time of the creation of your account, you undertake to provide AROBAS MUSIC with accurate and complete information and to keep it updated in the event of a change in your situation.
Any attempt at substitution of a password or identifier of another user is strictly forbidden.
Here, non-exhaustively, are the principal conditions that you undertake to fulfil at the time of the creation and the use of your account :
* You will not use mySongBook if you are less than 13 years old.
* You will update you accurate address details.
* You will not communicate your mySongBook identifiers, allow anyone to access your account or do anything at all which can compromise the security of your account.
* You will not resell a score or access or the printing of a score to another person.
* You will not try to reproduce a score in any way whatsoever (by a photocopy, printing in a large number, copying and pasting, recopying, screenshots, videos or audio captions).
* You will not request connection information and you will not access an account belonging to someone else.
* You will not intimidate and harass other users.
* You will not publish content inciting hatred or violence, which is threatening or pornographic or contains gratuitous violence.
* You will not send and not publish commercial announcements without authorisation.
* You will not allow and not encourage breaches of these General Conditions.
In the event of breach of these rules of use of our service, we reserve the right to suppress comments and even to close user accounts without notice or indemnification.
4-3 Security
We do everything that is possible to make mySongBook a secure service, but we cannot guarantee absolute security. To do so, we need your assistance and we ask you to use mySongBook under the conditions stipulated for this purpose, which forbid the following actions :
* You will not resell or publish a promotional code on Internet.
* You will not provide false personal information on mySongBook and will not create an account for another person without his authorisation.
* If we suppress your account, you will not create another one without our prior, express authorisation.
* You will not use your personal profile for commercial purposes.
* You will not send to our servers information capable of harming their functioning in order to cause a breakdown or dysfunction of the services.
* You cannot reserve engineer, de-compile, disassemble or modify the software, try to modify the information sent to the server or received from the server for the purpose of allowing the recording, modification, copying or the printing when this is not authorised.
* You will not try to access the portal through a programme or a script not supplied or approved by AROBAS MUSIC.
* You will not download viruses or other malevolent codes.
In the event of breach of these rules of use of our service, we reserve the right to close your user account without notice or indemnification.
4-4 Registration and validation of your purchase
The purchase of scores (single buying) is made online by the User in the page presenting the desired score by clicking on 'Buy this tab for...'. The purchase of the monthly subscription is made online by the user in the 'My account' page by clicking on 'Subscribe now!'. The User must then connect to his mySongBook account or create it if he does not have one entering the essential information concerning him. The User must accept the General Conditions and validate the means of payment desired: promotional code or payment by bank card or PayPal. This last stage concludes the sale contract between AROBAS MUSIC and the User.
The taking into account of the order is confirmed by the sending of an e-mail generated automatically by mySongBook to the electronic address indicated at the time of the creation of the customer account. AROBAS MUSIC reserves the right to cancel or refuse any order from a user with whom there may exist a dispute concerning the payment of a previous order.
4-5 Access to your purchases
To read the music scores purchased on your computer, you need an Internet access and you have to use the Guitar Pro software or install the mySongBook free player. High speed Internet access is strongly recommended for correct use of the mySongBook portal. You cannot edit, export or save the music scores purchased on mySongBook.
The software environment allows you to use a great number of tools for playing and practicing music scores. You will easily be able to play the scores at various speeds (adjustable tempo), mute some tracks, loop a selection and make it play increasingly faster, use the metronome, and display various kinds of notation (standard, tablature, and slash).
For reasons of protection of copyright, the scores purchased by the users cannot be recorded/stored on the computer of a user. The User can access the scores which he has purchased by single buying by connecting to the page 'My tabs' of the mySongBook portal. For the monthly subscription, the User can access all the scores available on the mySongBook portal and must click on 'Open it' to read the score he wants to read. It is also possible to access to the music scores from the Browser (File Menu > Browse... > mySongBook) available in the Guitar Pro 7.5 version and higher.
The User can decide to close his mySongBook account at any time by going to 'My account', and then 'Edit my account' and 'Delete my account'. As a result, he accepts to no longer have access to the scores which he has purchased with this user account through the mySongBook portal. The user can only keep the scores in a paper format and must print them before closing his user account.
Article 5 - The prices
The prices shown in the portal are expressed in Euros and in Dollars. They can vary without any notice or prior announcement. However, a price cannot be modified once the User’s order has been validated.
AROBAS MUSIC cannot be held liable or responsible for any duties and taxes which may be eventually due by virtue of any foreign regulations applicable to the user and/or in the territory of use of the scores. The user hereby undertakes to pay the said duties and taxes and to guarantee and cover AROBAS MUSIC financially in this regard.
Article 6 - Right of retraction
Online Guitar Tab
Under the conditions stipulated by Article L. 121-16 of the [French] Consumer Code and within the framework of the provision of a service using exclusively one or several techniques of remote communication, the user benefits from a right of retraction of seven (7) clear days from the acceptance of the offer. When the period of seven (7) days expires on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, it is extended until the following business day.
However, pursuant to Article L. 121-20-2 1° of the [French] Consumer Code, the right of retraction cannot be exercised for contracts for the provision of services, the performance of which has started with the agreement of the consumer, before the end of the period of seven (7) clear days.
The User must notify his intention to exercise its right of retraction by email using the dedicated form. The request for retraction must imperatively state the e-mail address used at the time of the registration of the user account. The taking into account of the user retraction for the order indicated shall be confirmed by the sending of an e-mail. The reimbursement of the order shall be made as soon as possible. It is expressly specified that any performance of the contract for the provision of a service, notably by the opening of the scores, shall make the request for retraction null and void. These rights of retraction only apply to users subject to French and/or European law.
Article 7 - Payment
7-1 Payment available
The User has the choice between several payment methods:
- Payment by credit card: the User can make payments by credit card — Visa, MasterCard. In the “My account” page, click on “Add your credit card information”, enter your information and click on “Save”.
Payments for scores purchased are combined over a period of 7 days. Past that period, your card will be debited of the amount corresponding to the total purchases made over the said period. However, if the total order exceeds 15 Euros/Dollars, the amount will be immediately debited. The user can access the music score immediately after his/her purchase. AROBAS MUSIC reserves the rights to modify the period and the limit of payment.
- Payment via PayPal: the user is redirected to the PayPal payment interface. The user enters the required information and validates their payment.
- Promotional code: AROBAS MUSIC will provide its users with promotional codes allowing one or several free music score(s) of their choice to be obtained. You will just need to enter that promotional code and you will find your score(s) in the “My purchases” area.
When AROBAS MUSIC debits a user, the latter user will receive a summary of the order by e-mail. It will also be possible for the user to receive an invoice by e-mail to print out, if the user requests a receipt of the invoice via the “My account” tab and then “Show my billing statement”.
The User may also request a paper invoice using the dedicated form.
In the event of payment failure (invalid, refused or stolen card, unfunded account, exceeded limit, etc.), the rights of access to the music score will be withdrawn from the user. The user may renew his/her order to have access again to the music score or scores.
7-2 Secure payment
Our Paybox payment system is entirely secure. Every stage in the payment process is entirely encoded and protected. Neither AROBAS MUSIC nor Paybox has any knowledge at any time of your bank card number, as that number is not fully stored on any server. Your banking information cannot thus be stolen or recovered.
PayPal hides your banking details so that you do not have to share them online. PayPal also protects your purchases so that, should a problem occur, you can get your money back. For more information, please visit the PayPal website.
Article 8 - Intellectual property
All of the parts of the mySongBook portal, whether they are visual, sound or conceptual, are protected by copyright, trademark law and by the database law, in accordance with the [French] Intellectual Property Code. The user undertakes not to use the products and services for purposes other than strictly personal purposes, just as he undertakes not to publish, copy, reproduce, adapt, broadcast or sell, in any way whatsoever, all or some of the protected contents to which he has access through the mySongBook portal.
The subscription for any form of access to the mySongBook service does not entail any transfer of an ownership right of any kind whatsoever in favour of the user. Furthermore, the latter undertakes not to infringe in any way whatsoever the rights of reproduction, representation and other intangible rights whatsoever held by AROBAS MUSIC.
Any infringement made to the said rights shall entail the application of the sanctions, notably penal sanctions, stipulated for this purpose by the provisions of the [French] Intellectual Property Code.
Article 9 – Personal information
During your visit to the mySongBook portal, you can consult our catalogue of scores without this entailing the registration of personal data. The Guitar Pro “Software” sends to the mySongBook “Service” the User ID for activation of the “Software” for technical purposes.
To make a purchase, you must create a user account and thus provide us certain items of personal information concerning you which are compulsory. They are necessary for the processing of your purchases and/or requests. These items of information are intended for AROBAS MUSIC, responsible for the processing, for the purposes of registration and processing of your orders, management of your customer account, marketing and statistical surveys for the purpose of providing you with the most adapted offers, monitoring of the quality of our services and market research. At the time of the creation of a mySongBook account, the user will have the possibility of accepting to receive information or not from AROBAS MUSIC and/or its partners. AROBAS MUSIC undertakes not to send you commercial offers or those of partners par e-mail if you have not accepted it.
You retain the possibility at any time to refuse the market research of AROBAS MUSIC free of charge, by connecting to the portal and in your user account using the deregistration link available in the commercial e-mails that we send you.
In accordance with the IT and Rights Law of 06/01/1978, you have a right of access, rectification and suppression of data concerning you and opposition to the processing thereof. If you wish to exercise it, please use the dedicated form or write to AROBAS MUSIC - 71 Quai de l'Ouest - 59000 LILLE - France, stating your last name, first name and e-mail address.
In accordance with the regulations in effect, your request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing your signature and specifying the address to which the reply must be sent to you. A reply will then be sent to you within a period of 1 month from the receipt of the request.
Article 10 - Liability
The user is solely responsible for the consultation, choice, use and interpretation of the services provided by AROBAS MUSIC.
AROBAS MUSIC undertakes to describe with the greatest accuracy the products sold on the mySongBook portal. Nevertheless, AROBAS MUSIC’s liability cannot be involved in the event where the breach of its obligations should be attributable either to the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party to the contract or to an event of force majeure as defined by French jurisprudence. Similarly, AROBAS MUSIC’s liability cannot be involved for all the inconveniences or damage inherent to the use of the Internet, notably a breakdown in service, an external intrusion or the presence of computer viruses.
In some countries, the laws in effect forbid or restrict free access to some intellectual works. The customer undertakes to verify that, given the law of the place of his order, there are no similar bans or restrictions concerning the scores ordered. AROBAS MUSIC’s liability cannot be involved because of the illegal nature of the order, downloading of the scores ordered and the use that the customer makes thereof. The customer is solely responsible for the use that he makes of the service and cannot hold AROBAS MUSIC liable for any claim and/or proceeding brought against him. Furthermore, since AROBAS MUSIC is not the owner of the scores, it cannot be held liable for the consequences that the latter may eventually cause.

Article 11 – Governing law and territorial jurisdiction
These General Conditions are governed by French law. The mySongBook portal complies with French legislation and AROBAS MUSIC does not give in any event a guarantee of compliance with the local legislation that may be applicable to you when you access the portal from other countries.
If this Contract is translated into another language and if a contradiction exists between the original version of these general conditions and its translation, the French version of these general conditions is overriding.
Any possible dispute directly or indirectly related to the use of the mySongBook portal shall lie within the exclusive jurisdiction of the French Courts.