Large Metal Post Box

Post definition, a strong piece of timber, metal, or the like, set upright as a support, a point of attachment, a place for displaying notices, etc. Large Vintage Metal Mail Box Iron Locking Post Card Storage Container Wall Hanging Mailbox with Keys$33.99.

  1. Large Metal Box Containers
  2. Large Metal Post Box Vintage
  3. Extra Large Metal Mailbox
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Welcome to the Postbox Shop, we provide an extensive range of individual and commercial postboxes, letterboxes and mailboxes, each designed with access, security and your lifestyle needs in mind.

Large metal post box covers

With many years experience, we specialise in stylish practical solutions to suit your budget, products including; freestanding postboxes, surface mounted postboxes, recessed letterboxes, through the wall postboxes, door side panel postboxes, parcel boxes, mail chutes, anti arson postboxes, bespoke postboxes, apartment letterboxes and much more.


Excellent quality is maintained at our European manufacturing and assembly plants , using the finest materials, producing over 1 million postboxes a year, utilising sustainable energy processes reducing environmental impact.

Large Metal Box Containers

Large metal post boxes

To complement our letterboxes, we offer a key replacement service and retain records as part of our anti-fraud policy.


Sort your post today with our huge range of postboxes, letterboxes and mailboxes, in a variety of designs, colours and finishes, from traditional to contemporary designs, find the right letterbox solution for your property.

Decorative metal post

Large Metal Post Box Vintage

We conform to British & European Standards (BSEN13724) and are Royal Mail compliant. We can also offer quotes for the installation of multiple letterboxes too.

Extra Large Metal Mailbox

If you have any questions regarding our postboxes, letterboxes, mailboxes or services, please contact us.