Low Earth Orbit satellites circle the earth at a distance of about 1000km, your typical satellites are either Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites located at a distance of 36,000km or your mid range satellites MEO located at about 8,000km. Being closer to the earth has its benefits as the latency delay will drop, that is the time it takes for your data to complete a round trip (RTT), going from earth to satellite and back again. The GEO latency is of 600 milliseconds, MEO of 180ms and LEO of 40ms, the new LEO satellite “Constellation” will allow you to access noticeably faster response times that are important for various applications such as Internet browsing, messenger or online chats, Voice over IP (VoIP), gaming, and an essential part if you are conducting High Frequency Trading (HFT).

Leo Low Earth Orbit Satellites

Commercial Satellites In Leo
Who will provide this?
In 2022 our partner Telesat will enter commercial operations to deploy hundreds of LEO’s. These will form a mesh like pattern that will ensure all regions across the globe are covered, including polar regions. This constellation of satellites will allow OmniAccess to give our customers full global coverage, whilst at the same time ensuring the highest VSAT throughput and low latency.
A low earth orbit (LEO) satellite is an object, generally a piece of electronic equipment, that circles around the earth at lower altitudes than geosynchronous satellites. LEO satellites orbit between 2,000 and 200 kilometers above the earth. LEO satellites are commonly used for communications, military reconnaissance, spying and other imaging. A robust and competitive low-Earth orbit (LEO) economy is vital to continued progress in space.
Rather than having to follow one geostationary satellite, yachts will be able to follow various satellite beams simultaneously. These satellites will be significantly closer to earth, reducing the latency of the signal, and their capacity to link between provides redundancy to guarantee the service.
• Low Latency 30-50ms
• Lower costs
• Complete global coverage
• Higher look angle
• Flexible and focused Capacity where required
• Less interference
• Inter Satellite links offer optimal routing
What should I, as a client, take into consideration?
Existing Antennas may need to be replaced or updated, but here the specifications are not clear yet and these replacement could be timed in-line with service expectancy.
Leo Low Earth Orbit Day
At Omniaccess we are already looking into flexible solutions for our clients to make the transition as smooth as possible. In any case, we expect the return on switching to LEO to massively outweigh the possible investments required and will provide periodic updates for our clients as soon as further details are made available.